Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some Pretty, a Thank You and a Giveaway!

The title of this post is pretty accurate :). I picked up some super cute Kermit Mums at the store this week and put them all over the house in different containers from my vintage bottle collection.

Makes me so happy!

As you may be able to tell, my photography classes are coming along nicely.

Next, order of business!

Some of you may have noticed, but last week I reached a 100 followers! Even a few more of you have joined since then!
You have no idea what this means to me. The fact that you come to my little corner of the internet, leave your comments, tell me your opinions on things, means the world to me.

So in order to say...

I made this painting to give away to one of my lucky followers!

I know it's nothing fancy but I rather like it's simplicity don't you? And it could be yours!

All you have to do is be a follower of Flights of Whimsy and leave a comment below that you are one. You can get an extra entry by being a follower on my facebook page. Just click the link to the right! Please leave a separate comment for each.

The giveaway will be open for entry until 9pm CST Sunday, March 6th. I will announce the winner Monday morning. I will ship anywhere in the whooooole wide world too!

Again, from me to you, THANK YOU!



  1. Oh Brandi, it's fabulous!!!! Please pick me, pick me!!! I need this piece to add to my Brandi collection:) And of COURSE I'm a follower! xo

  2. I tried to link to your facebook page but it just took me to the main facebook page. I will definitely follow though if I can find you.

  3. have i told you lately how much i love your new header. looks so lovely girl. xoxo

  4. Me wants! I like simple modern pieces and my house could use something thats not painted by me. You knows I'm a follower now get on twitter!!!


  5. Very cool giveaway! I like the simplicity of the piece!

  6. Would love some art from you! I am a follower.

  7. I love it! It is gorgeous and reminds me of old David Band prints! Love it!!! Want it! :)

  8. What a great painting! I love!



You are leaving me a comment?! Yay!