Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Feeling Green...

Thought I was going to talk about vomit didn't you? Actually I have nature on the brain even though the weather is pretty much in the pooper around Dallas, spring is still here! All the gardening I've been doing is really paying off.

From my phone, sorry for the quality!

I'm a real girl with a real garden, momma are you proud?! My mom has a total green thumb, she puts me to shame. I can't wait to get rid of those scallop bricks and put something nicer in, but that will have to wait. I made these flower beds out of nothing, only grass actually no just weeds, were here before I did this. I'd say I'm definitely proud of that!

Speaking of my mom, just look at her greenhouse...

Could you just die? She built this out of nothing but old doors and windows. I need to get more pictures of the inside next time I visit. It's amazing! You can barely see the plants and the table she built around a pole in the center through the open door there.

Ahhhh, someday Brandi, someday...

                                                                   Source: via Shannon on Pinterest

                                                                       Source: via Keely on Pinterest

Looks like my moms except not as awesome.

                                                                           Source: via Bri on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: via Tristan*Lucie on Pinterest

Check out that bench!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Beautiful inspiration photos, I love the rooms walled in glass, they are gorgeous.

  2. I love it! My mom is a green thumb too...mine is pretty much black...)c: But hello gorgeous greenhouse! I love that she made that out of old doors and windows, genius!

  3. Here's to green thumbs in the garden and a glass of wine at the end of a long working day with nature. Great images.

  4. Oh my gosh! Yes, I could die. Your mom did a great job! I love what she's built.

  5. Your mom's place is amazing! Being able to make cool spaces runs in the family!

    It's been raining a ton here lately, so I'm hoping it actually remains clear so I can actually enjoy the sunshine! Good luck in getting your green thumb. :)

  6. Your mom's green house is Amazing with a capital A. Wow. How cool.


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