Friday, February 25, 2011

Small Bathroom? Go BOLD!

                                                                       Source: via Melanie on Pinterest

Kate Spade's beautiful Bathroom

                                                                       Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

                                                             Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

                                                               Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

                                                                      Source: via Jeannie on Pinterest

These are all so good I'm not sure which one is my favorite! 

I'm contemplating doing something like this in our hall bath remodel. It's small-ish and has no natural light. That's a project that will have to wait a while though. After the master bath, we're taking a break from major renovations. I also need to focus on the design for our master bedroom and living room. These are the most used rooms and they're virtually untouched as of now!

Have a lovely weekend everyone! I have a few fun things planned for next week so hopefully I can get my butt in gear this weekend and make some things happen!



  1. Beautiful, I've been contemplating painting my powder room and these pics are super inspiring!

  2. Great inspiration shots- we have a VERY small powder room off of our kitchen that's on the list of redesigns- and I am totally planning something super bold- I just cant decide what to do...these are great ideas!

  3. I LOVE Kate Spade's bathroom! I actually copied the shower curtain and made curtains for the hubby's man room.

  4. I love how the mirrors reflect the design in these rooms as well!

  5. Love these! Great round up. Saw you over on Breaking down the big, beige box. Following! LOVE the banquet post too. Good stuff. :)

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