Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting the Year Off Right!

I hit the ground running the first weekend of this brand spankin New Year! I don't have pictures but I sanded and primed 4 dining chairs + a bench from our bedroom. I wanted to get some actual paint on them but it was so cold in our garage! I've vowed to get a few coats on them this weekend for sure.

A project I'm excited to show you is some very inexpensive and easy artwork I put together. I was very inspired by this post a few weeks ago over at Little Green Notebook. She featured some marble paper framed as artwork. It was so beautiful and at only $14.50 shipped I was sold. Unfortunately, so were a lot of other people because it was sold out, sads. A few days later I checked again and they had only one in stock. It was mine!

When I unrolled the paper, it took my breath away.

These pictures simply do not do it justice. The colors are so vibrant with flecks of gold. All beautifully swirled together in such a unique way. I hated to cut the sheet in half to frame it! But I had a plan and I was determined to complete it.

I got some simple Ribba frames from Ikea for $15 each. They came with matting which I fully planned on using. But in the end I just couldn't cover up even more of this gorgeous paper.

I'm very happy with it! The colors are going to look great with my master bedroom scheme I have in mind. Once I get these walls painted they will pop even more. For a total of $45 this can't be beat!

I was gifted this amazing light from my in-laws for Christmas. MIL reads my blog and knew that I wanted this (hey Kaye!). I had planned to hang it in my hallway but once I saw it I knew it was meant for bigger things, like the entry way.

It was kind of a bitch to hang with the ceiling medallion but we made it work and we BOTH actually love it. It's so great when I do something and my husband not only notices, but actually likes it!

It makes a really pretty pattern on the walls when it's lit.

I haven't made any resolutions this year really. One thing I did think to change was to force myself to relax more. I know a lot of us fill our weekends up with various projects and other fun things, and I do too. But lately I've been feeling a little overloaded. So I decided that each and every weekend I will force myself to watch a movie. This will INSIST that I relax for at least 2 solid hours on the couch each weekend. So I guess that's technically my resolution.

How was the start to your New Year? Make any resolutions?


  1. The pictures are fantastic. And that is such a simple DIY project that even I can do. Lol. The light fixture is so crazy unique. I love it.

  2. Love the marble paper I used some to paper a few books in it. The light the fixture gives off is ober cool!

    This year I have decided to give up my energy shots, instead I shall consume caffeine the American way, Starbucks!!!!

  3. oh wow! that marble paper is stunning!

  4. Beautiful all around- that paper actually took my breath away.

  5. That marble paper framed is so cool and unique...thanks for the shout out too:-)

  6. Whoa! You've been busy. Gorgeous paper. It looks awesome framed.

  7. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In LOVE with that lantern and now your MIL :)

  8. These are both so super lovely. I might have to get some of that marble paper myself!

    And I think I would just take pictures of the light reflections in my room all day. These look fantastic!


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