Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Girly & Pretty

Maybe it's because I want to go shopping or maybe it's the snot dripping out of my nose from the nasty cold I caught at market, all I know is today I feel like something easy on the eyes. Lacey, drapey, sheer, delicate, beautiful, open and airy is just the ticket.

                                                                           Source: designspongeonline.com via jennie on Pinterest

                                                                   Source: dressdesigndecor.blogspot.com via Maggie on Pinterest

                                                                               Source: decor8blog.com via Uyen on Pinterest

How is your week going? I finally had the day off yesterday after working through two furniture markets in a row. Of course I spent it in bed nursing my cold but let's be honest, I probably would've spent it in bed anyways! Hopefully this weekend I can finish up some half done projects to show you!



  1. Lovely girly images here Brandi!! I can never get enough of pink, frilly, and pretty!! I especially love the image of that bench from Samantha Pynn. I hope you get better soon, I hate all the colds at this time of year!!
    Nancy xo

  2. Oh your pretty pictures have cheered me up... I have a bad cold too. I hope you feel all better soon Brandi!

  3. Oh my goodness, the fourth pic is BEAUTIFUL with those amazing dresses!! Xoxoxo 1942charm.blogspot.com

  4. Get well soon! Wonderfull pictures! XoXo

  5. Very girly indeed I'm drooling over the first picture.

    The new layout is HOT!


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