Wednesday, January 12, 2011

But Baby it's Cold Outside!

I know I'm not only one suffering through this freakishly cold weather out there. Last week we got out fireplace going for the first time in our house. Now that we have it I wonder why the heck we waited so long! There's nothing better than sitting by the fireplace with a huge blanket and watching a movie (I'm still keeping up with my goal to relax more by watching movies!).

So of course I started thinking that our mantle should be better accesorized, which led to looking up pictures, which of course led to an obsession! Here are some pretties to warm up your day!

Built-in heaven...

I don't know about you, but it seems like taking a bath in a metal tub might be cold, or scratchy, yes cold and scratchy...

Is everyone staying warm out there? I've blown a breaker in my office several times already trying to figure out if I can use two space heaters at once, FAIL!

On another note, I will be heading to Atlanta this weekend for the furniture show. Will you be there? Come say hi to me! Also, I've already plotted my route from the showroom to H&M, this is critical people!


  1. Oh yes nothing better than a fire on a cold day! So loving the first mantel!


  2. Very cozy!
    Happy Wednesday!

  3. My mother had one of those old fashioned tubs as a decoration piece around our place. And then one day when I was like five she hired a photographer to come and take pictures of me in it. If I remember correctly, I was unimpressed.

  4. Please blow H&M a kiss for's been too long.

  5. Oh, that bath tub looks like torture! I've been packing on the layers and keeping warm indoors too. Looking at all these fire places make things seem a lot warmer.

  6. i have come to consider myself a bit of a mantel master. if you need helpsies, let me know.

    the first one is perfection. A+


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