Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fabric Shopping: Sort of a Round Up

Most of the time I find fabric shopping thoroughly disappointing. But not this time! I had great luck yesterday gathering swatches with my mom. I came home with a giant stack of potentials. It was very exciting and I was full of glee!

First stop was Calico Corners. Iman (yes the super model) has a new line of fabrics there and I have to say they were pretty awesome.

I liked this gray bird print a lot. It would be so cute on a pillow and comes in several colors.

That's just to start, she has a a great deal in her line. The prices weren't too bad either, most were around $25/yard.

This picture makes this fabric look like crap but I fell in love with it! It's a white silk with velvet dots. Would look so freakin cute on a pillow. But at $70/yard, I don't think I'll be bringing any home with me, sads.

Then I wandered over to the Fabric Factory next door and found this...

You know when you see something and you just gotta have it. You have no idea what to do with it but you NEED it? I got that when I saw this fabric. Then I had another revelation, I can use this on a new upholstered headboard for our master. By George, I've got it!

I felt pretty inspired by this bedroom from Lonny. The color palette is so beautiful and serene. 

I picked up a few other fabrics for curtains and pillows and just like that I had mentally decorated our bedroom. It was awesome! Don't you just love moments of clarity when things just come together? Now all I have to do is actually put it together.We'll see how long that takes!

I think I will paint the walls a light gray with an undertone of purple. Perhaps like this;

Phlox, by Martha.

And this for above the bed. I picked this baby up out shopping with Sarah, it was a lovely time.

Does this remind you of anything?


How is your week going?


  1. The week is going great. I can't wait to spend the holidays with my family. Sounds like you did pretty good shopping. The brown and pink fabric is my favorite. Subtle yet feminine.

  2. Yay! The gray bird fabric is gorgeous. I love it. Also love the floral that you're dreaming of for the headboard. Thanks for the coffee and shopping trip - I had a great time and can't wait to do it again! xo

  3. Oh how I love a fabric post:) You indeed found some great swatches. If you can believe it, I actually have a cushion in that floral- I love the texture of it- very pretty. I think your plan sounds fantastic and I can't wait to see it all done- And I LOVE that gold leaf sculpture you found. xo

  4. I love the swatches you picked out! I actually have the purple velvet in my bedroom and love its dimension. One tip though, I used it on my vanity chair cushion and it shows spots from hair products, etc, really I suggest using it as a pillow instead! :)


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