Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Currently Obsessed With; Getting Organized!

First off, let me just welcome to all my new followers this week! If you have come to me vie Bijou and Boheme and would like more information on my painting, just click the picture in the side bar for a how to. If you'd rather skip the DIY and would like to order one just send me a note at myflightsofwhimsy(at)gmail(dot)com. I can make it in any size and color you would like!

Now onto the decor porn! If you're like me (and since you're reading this blog you probably are!) you are thinking about ways to streamline your life, de-clutter and get organized for 2011. For me this involves three main areas that always seem to suck the minutes out of my life; my closet, my workspace, and my bookshelf.

Does this ring true for you? How many of us spend precious minutes digging through our closets to find those ballet flats? Rifling through our bins looking for our whole puncher or those special scissors with the fine tip? Scanning rows of books looking for that one to loan to a friend? I know I do! Plus throwing out the old and organizing the rest makes me feel as though I've done the same to my mind. And that's always a good thing!

Two words. I. Die.

Are you doing anything to get organized for the new year? What's your plan?


  1. I am so with you, I have cleaned out three rooms, my home just feels lighter and airy, great for a fresh start for the New Year! Xoxoxo

  2. I am also obsessed with organization. I seriously need more closet room and a desk I can actually use and not just throw stuff on top of. Your pics are so inspiring, and I agree with your words - I. Die.

  3. I know! I think it's after I get all my Christmas decorations down I want to organize everything to declutter!

    LOVE all these spaces!


  4. Thanks so much for the mention and I really do adore my painting!!! As for the decluttering, I'm so with you- I'm starting on the hallway closet and it is quite the task- my hidden spaces are all kind of a disaster so I'd love some gorgeous organization- thanks for the beautiful inspiration!

  5. I haven't been getting my home as organized lately, but I'm kicking butt at getting my e-mail inbox organized! But this inspired me to put a little elbow grease into it!

  6. love love love huge built-in wall shelving! i need some! our old house doesn't even have closets :/


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