Monday, November 29, 2010

Beautiful House Tours

Is it just me or does it seem like there have been some especially eye-catching home tours on the interwebs lately?

First up is this absolutely wonderful California space. It's totally a man's place but in a way that's actually comfortable and very well designed.

I love the bench, and the dark trim, and the...all of it!

View the rest along with a beautiful patio, here.

This next one is so my style. I have gone back to look at the images over and over again. 

This modern home in Charleston is the home of interior designer Angie Hranowsky.

I'm completely smitten with the renovations she did in the kitchen.

I'm in love with the color palette in the living room. It's great inspiration for my own living room. And look at all the marble! She custom designed the fretwork on the right herself.

See more here.

Then this tour from Amie Corley. I love the combo of salmon, green and white. And look at the cute little benches, I spy some contrast piping...

Takes your breath away doesn't it? Just wait for the bathroom...

Hello Cararra Marble and Chrome accents, want to come to my house?

See more here.

I still can't get over this gorgeous Hollywood apartment. This image absolutely slays me!

Again, pink salmon and green. Love it!

See more here.

I know I may sound like a broken record but I just love seeing REAL people's homes. Not some over designed baloney that no real family could ever live in. I'm just thankful that we have wonderful places (& people!) who bring these tours to us.

Have you seen any great homes lately?


  1. Thanks a lot now I want to redecorate my whole house!! lol


  2. Oh, that was fun Brandi. Let's do it again! My favorite home lately is the M Elle Design in the new Elle Decor.

  3. I am bananas over angie hranowsky's home as well. love her. great blog.

  4. I must say that these spaces are totally gorgeous. Each of them is a beauty in their own right. Every color, pattern, and detail is perfect and suits the design. I think a lot of homeowners would love to replicate one of these designs.

  5. Who wouldn’t want to live in these beautiful houses? Oh, I just wish that the next time I purchase I house, I will be able to come up with awesome interior designs like this. The last photo is my best pick because it looks adorable. It has an elegant, sweet, and refreshing appeal to me.

  6. Such tours can really be amazing because having such experiences are generally a different sort of understanding bus tours from new york to niagara falls carries so much in it which is the way it can all be managed for us and during the uses going through all these stuff is favorable.


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