Friday, October 1, 2010

What Style are You?

I get asked a lot what my "style" is both in apparel and home decor and I always find it a hard question to answer. Of course because I like so many different things but I also just buy what I like, no matter what it may be. Sometimes I answer with catchy phrases like "Eclectic Contemporary" or "Boho Chic" and maybe "Glam Eclectic" but what do these things even mean? Who really knows! So, I ask what do you say when asked "what is your style?"

Are you...

A lover of white...

Belgian style antiques and reproductions...

Minimalist in wide open spaces...

Colorful and cozy in a nook...

Vintage classics...

Eclectic Contemporary...

All things print, pattern, and color...

More one the modern side...

A little bit retro...

So tell me friends, how do you describe your style?

Happy Weekend!


  1. We're a smidge'bit of everything ourselves... Great images! Happy weekend!


  2. I can't claim just one thing hehehe I'm a bunch of this n' that rolled into one! Have a fantastic weekend! xoxoxo ~Ashley

  3. Oh man, I can't choose, I love so many styles. Sometimes I wish I could have a separate house for each of my fav styles, hee hee :)
    Nancy xo

  4. I think I am "all of the above" a bit of a style multi personality!

  5. i love "eclectic contemporary," but my style is more "cluttered and low budget." I totally agree with your past reference to a home being a constant work in progress. So some day I'll have my Dia de los Muertos kitchen and my massive microscope slide and constellation prints in the dining room (with a mobile of the universe.) So maybe my style is really "upscale kitschy..." :)


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