Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall is Here! Fall is Here!

Yesterday in Dallas the high was 80 degrees, it was windy, slightly cloudy and this morning was only 55 degrees. I feel so exhilarated! We took advantage of the cool weather and did some yard work yesterday. I'm working on a little revamp for my backyard that I will hopefully reveal next week!

All of this has me thinking about changing things up a bit for fall. Both in my closet and my home!

Velvet shoes a must for fall? I think so!

Blue Velvet is Especially my favorite! More you say? No problemo!

Boob alert!

Texture and wood for fall is a must!

A quick search for velvets yielded some really great fabrics.

Oh my, I'll take them all! I think I'll be adding some new throw pillows to my couch for Fall. I know some of you may like to change to darker colors for the season, but me I like my brights. I prefer to stay colorful but still bring in Fall textures through velvet, maybe some fur, and some rustic wood surfaces.

Whew, got a little carried away there...

Have a grrrrrreat week! (there I go again)


  1. Great pictures! I'm noticing velvet is really taking first place this season with such warm colors! Perfect for fall...xoxoxo ~Ashley

  2. I'm really having a thing for velvet couches right now. I love how luxurious they feel.

  3. I love how you did a post on velvet!

    I am searching for the perfect velvet coat!

  4. Oh my! I'm right there with you girl. Dallas is doing us right these past few days. And I am in love with that long blue velvet sofa! Jeesh! When do we get to meet? We're in the same town and its silly to have not met. Are you going to the NEST (0n McKinney) blogger soiree thing hosted by Hello, Splendor and Fabulous K? Maybe we'll meet there!

  5. Hi there! I peeped through your blog and found so much inspiration! Love velvet too, it's so dark but shiny at the same time!

    xo Linda

  6. Velvet is so perfect and cozy for fall! Grrrrreat post! ; )


  7. Yes, velvet is everywhere this fall and I am loving it!! Especially that lovely blue headboard!! I love this post, thanks for the fall inspiration :)
    Nancy xo

  8. i really love velvet too! especially to decorate the home with...a little velvet can instantly make any room or outfit look glam!


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