Thursday, September 23, 2010

Color Me Happy; Turquoise and Red

Many of you may remember this dresser I bought a few months back.

I love it, but I have been struggling to make red look good in our bedroom. Until I saw this...

I'm in love. This is the inspiration for our bedroom now. I know red and turq is not a new combo but it certainly has caught my eye recently!

I've done a few brisk searches on the Craig for a headboard I could make my own but nothing has struck me yet as the "one".  I'm thinking I might try to make it my own with something like this.

Does anyone know where I can find affordable white sheets with a deep purple edge like in my inspiration photo? Please share!


  1. I'm with you! I do LOVE that color combo. It's in my kitchen. I think that would be a very cool bedroom. Wish I could help, but I have no idea where to get those sheets. I would love to see a tutorial on you making that headboard!

  2. Red and turqouise, teal and aqua look fabulous together. Great inspiration! xoxoxo ~Ashley

  3. I love your inspiration!! And your dresser for that matter. When I first saw that bedroom in HB I'm pretty sure I drooled on the page :)

  4. Yep! One of my favorite combos! I did this post a few years ago ( and then promptly did my kitchen in red and aqua. I love it. Its the most inviting beautiful fun color combo!


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