Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lounging, Poolside

It's unbeleivably hot here in Dallas, temperatures are above 100 degrees with no releif in sight. All I can do is dream of lounging by the pool or ocean in one of these fashionable places and wasting the day away. I grew up by the ocean but I have been living "inland" for 7 years now. I still miss seeing the water on a daily basis and I really miss being able to go to the beach at the drop of a hat. These will have to do for now!

Beautiful pool plus english country estate equals bliss of epic proportions!

All I can say is "I want to go to there". I hope you are having a wonderful week and managing to stay cool!


  1. That first pool and the second to last one are so beautiful!

  2. We must share a brain... I woke up this morning thinking of swimming.. not so much the beach... but a pool in paradise. Beautiful photos! :)


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