Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to School

This time of year always has me feeling a little nostalgic for going back to school. I would spend endless hours picking out all my outfits for the entire first week of school. I would practice new hair styles, rehearse how I would nonchalantly respond when a boy I'd been thinking about all summer would say hi, and dream about how some bitchy girl would have gained weight or gotten horrible acne thus making me look prettier, ah good times. More recently in college back to school always meant moving, to a new dorm, to a new apartment and I would spend all summer collecting items to decorate my new place. My mom and I would go shopping for fabrics and sew curtains or bedding and match up all the accessories in the room.

This first picture is my dorm room from freshman year at The University of North Texas, my was I bright eyed and bushy tailed!

The bedding was made by my mom and I out of squares of scarf material. I still have this comforter and I still love it. The purple rug is from Target and the giant fan is from Oriental Trading company. If you look closely you can see my childhood stuffed bunny, Rosey, watching over me from the shelf underneath the desk. The room was akin to a 10x12 foot prison cell with a horrible roommate but I made the most of it!

Here is my first apartment alone. I lived in one before this with a roommate but unfortunately I don't have any pictures, all the furniture was my roomie's anways.

Again with my fan. Look how new my couch looks! My mom and I made the pillows. The coffee table I got when my grandmother passed away, the console, Eiffel tower lamp, patchwork rug, and curtains are all from Target. The drape over the window is an Indian sari.

Here is my bedroom, there were only two rooms in the 500 square foot apartment! My bedding was from Urban Outfitters. It was a beautiful sea green brocade, I still love it but it wasn't very durable. Curtains were from Wal-Mart. All my furniture was from Ikea. Look how small Meowser is! Then was when I first brought him home from the SPCA. Now he looks like this...


Do you have any pictures of your first place(s)? I would love to see! We should all do my first place posts! Whether it be a childhood room, apartment, dorm room ,whatever. That would be so fun!


  1. Ahhhhh ... I remember all of this! What a great idea, to take a trip through each of your young adult dwellings. My how you have evolved! I wish I had pictures of my first dorm room. Lisa and I won the decorating contest for which we got a cup full of candy only... WTF! At least feature us in Nacogdoches Extraordinaire aficionado decorators magazine!!!

  2. This is such a cool idea... I wish I had a photo record like this!

  3. i'm really debating that i should scan in my college dorm pics. it's hilarious. thanks for sharing!!


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