Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Up Close and Personal

I love seeing shots of big fancy pretty rooms but it's often the details that really get me. I'm a very meticulous soul and I like everything to be arranged just so. It's not that I'm anal or anything, I like to call it "being particular". I often create little vignettes around my house on the weekends and change them out frequently. It's a luxury I didn't enjoy in an apartment for sure. Now it's time to stop an appreciate the little things...

After seeing this picture I'm now searching for an antique rotary phone. I have no landline mind you, I just want the phone because it's pretty!

At work we like to call this "creating a moment". We create moments like there's no tomorrow!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful first half of the week!


  1. So pretty! I love little vignettes, and I like that term, "creating a moment." Lovely! Oh, I so want an old-fashioned rotary phone! XO!

  2. Love that first picture with the vintage phone, gold framed print, and pretty stationary!


  3. how amazing are those blue plates on that orange wall??

  4. i also dig the blue plates on the orange wall, but more so, i LOVE the wire basket mounted to the wall with the little bird on it.

    I was in a funky toy store the other day and found something I would totally buy for you if I had a job or extra cashflow or whatever: a reproduction book of vintage/antique ballerina paper dolls. with scenery and costumes and the likes. totally frame worthy, or perfect for laying about in a little...um, created moment.

  5. I am exactly like you...I love to take in the details, and I really love to "putter" around my own home arranging and rearranging...love that memo pad in the first image...wonder where its from?


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