Friday, July 2, 2010

Stylist Twig Hutchinson

I recently came across stylist Twig Hutchinson thanks to my friend Jennifer and I am smitten! She is the force behind many lovely pictures you are already familiar with...

...just to name a few.

But her website is full of so many gorgeous images it's hard to choose my favorites to share with you!

Obviously the dancer in me loves this image. I wish I could buy a print and hang it as artwork. It would look lovely in my master bedroom.

Love the artist at work type of shots. I always love to see photos from behind the scenes of a photo, that makes sense right? I guess it's the process of creation that I find interesting.

I could just imagine my girls and I spending the night here around the campfire, roasting marshmellows and watching for shooting stars.


I just love her style. It seems so natural and not overly styled. She has even been commisioned to design stores as well. Check out her website for more lovely inspiration!

Have a great weekend everyone, and for my American readers enjoy your holiday!


  1. Oh yes, she is amazing! I do recognize some of these images, nice to know where they came from! Love!

  2. She is very talented...thanks for sharing!


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