Sunday, June 13, 2010

Going Up?

I have no desire to live in a two story home, I'm too lazy to hike it up and and down some stairs everyday. But if I did, oh the possibilities!

What a pretty color blue. I love the shiny white wood floors. Wish I could get a closer look at that mirror I see peeking out before the stairs!

I love Spanish style houses!

Wouldn't it make you so happy to go up and down these stairs everyday?

What do your stairs look like? I would love to see photos, let's have show and tell shall we?


  1. There are some great ideas here! Love the second set of stairs the best!

  2. Love the glitter stairs and the numbered stairs! Those colored ones might be a little much at times, lol! xo!

  3. Love the stairs with the french numbers on!

  4. The disco stairs are a bit cray cray...very cool though!

  5. I don't have stairs - but if I did, I would want them to look like the top picture!

  6. i have stairs. and I'd love to rip the carpet off them and do something beautiful. too bad there's not anything wrong with them (ha!) The hubbs would never let me tear out something that's perfectly functional. HUGE fan of Spanish tile. and that first picture is just lovely!


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