Friday, May 28, 2010

A Nice Set of Doors

This time last year we were in Italy on our honeymoon. While we were there I took many pictures of beautiful doors which I hoped to turn in to artwork. These are some of my favorites...

The handle on this one was a coiled snake.


  1. I like the black ones...but I'm not sure why... intriguing.

  2. I love pictures of doors. My fav is that first blue one. Thanks again for emailing me that article. I have thanked you on the post. xx

  3. Love looking at old doors. These are great pics.

  4. Gorgeous! Love the blue ones the most!

  5. O those gray doors are awesome! would you mind if I snatched that photo for future use? I will certainly give you credit....but if you would rather I didn't use it - I totally understand!

    We were in Rome a few years ago and I absolutely fell in love with Italy. I vow to go back one day...!

  6. APG: Of course you can use my photo, I'm flattered!

  7. Those last doors are so amazing. APG just introduced me to your blog - I love everything!


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