Thursday, April 15, 2010

I have some big news

But I can't share it until tomorrow! I can't wait to tell all of you! In the meantime please to enjoy this panda to tide over your feelings of anticipation...

PS Happy Birthday Kirsten!


  1. Yay Brandi! and Yay Me! Wish you could come party it up tomorrow at the Super Hero / Super Villain Birthday bash...

  2. I have two guesses. But I'll wait til tomorrow in case I'm right. I'd hate to ruin anything.
    and that panda photo is, by chance, the most adorable ever baby animal moment ever caught on film.

  3. Big news?! Whaaaa??!!! Okay, I'll come back tomorrow, and did enjoy the panda, btw! I just saw some at the Atlanta Zoo recently!

    Have a fabulous day, and if you haven't had a chance yet, pop by and check out my Catherine Deneuve giveaway! XO!

  4. Awesome! Love the Panda! Can't wait to hear the big news.


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