Friday, December 11, 2009

My Favorite Magazine Tears

I have begun the process of cleaning out my office (okay it's a cubicle) to start my new position on the other side of the building in women's acessories. It's a lateral move but I'm very excited to be working not only in women's but in accessories, footwear and handbags, which are really my passion. I thought I would share with you some of my all time favorite magazine tears.

I love the collection of lanterns and jewel tones in this one. I would love to cover the cieling of a room this way.
This was a feature in Country Home sometime in 2008. I'm a sucker for purple glass. My mom has a whole collection that I adore.

I love the look of this grouping of flowers, the different vases, the rustic looking boards, swoon!

I'm not sure why I was so drawn to this page. Maybe it's the saturated pink of the linen like fabric on the background, or the cute postcard. I just like it!

These next three photos are from artist Anne Becker's apartment in NYC I believe. There are several things I like about it.
1) She has suzani in every room. I LOVE Suzani! I've been looking for pieces to incorporate in my home but they continue to allude me. Oh suzani I promise to give you a good home!
2) It feels a little, what's the best way to call it...Bohemian Chic. Which is totally my style. I don't like things to look totally thrown together in the true bohemian fashion. But rather, intentionally thrown together, if you can say that. I want unusual style but still with a level of sophistication and order.
3) It says she used an interior designer in her home but I don't think the home looks designer-y. Most of the time I find styled rooms pretty to look at but I could never live in them and they often don't feel very personal. I look at those rooms and think, where would I put my keys? My dog bowl? My stack of bills, bills, bills? These rooms just feel like I could actually live in them.

The painting in the back is hard to see but it was done by the artist herself. I wish I could make something like it. I've been contemplating it....

So there are some of my favorites. I'm sure in my new area I will come across more great accessories based magazine tears to share with you as I start a new chapter!


  1. I have books and books of tear sheets from magazines. Every time I look at them I get so inspired.

  2. I thought you might like this:


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